Another Viral marketing campaign waiting to be exposed?

This is doing the rounds via email and also on twitter (here and here). They are really funny (esp if these are genuine posts by a real person)… but is it the same if an agency does it on behalf of a client?

I wrote about ‘fake virals here a month ago – so it will be interesting to see where this ends up.

With all the posts signed as “Craig” we were thinking it might be Craigs List? What do you think is this real or fake????



Reference: The tweet that started it…


6 Responses to Another Viral marketing campaign waiting to be exposed?

  1. JM says:

    Thought it was real when I saw the first one and I did laugh. Bit annoyed that it looks like I’ve been duped!!! Looks fake now I see them all together.

  2. Not sure, but they keep popping up across the web. They’re so plain; you expect a URL for more information. Intriguing. Kind of like that Microsoft Xbox campaign several years ago, where they hired people to spray-paint logos onto the footpaths across cities. Except that they got busted and told to remove them by the council.

    If you can find some info on that Microsoft campaign online, it’d be much appreciated! Cheers

  3. If it’s a fake then the ‘reveal’ will be the key – I had a friend email me these and they amused me, I hope if it’s a campaign they can keep it as intriguing/amusing.

    Then again it may just be some weird artist smart-arsery.

  4. marion says:

    i’m assuming they’re up around the inner city? It certainly does sounds like craigslist, although they have had craigslist sydney for sometime it hasn’t really taken off – maybe they’re going for a big push?

  5. Galih says:

    I know for a fact that the 5th one was posted omn the corner of Chapel St and Union St at Windsor… and the last one had a the Windsor IGA in it, but even if they were trying to plug craigslist in Melbourne, it won’t really catch on. The Melbourne Vic Craigslist page gets posts that were meant for Melbourne Florida, unless they fix that, who cares.

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