Mumbrella outshines AdNews and B&T in digital

March 23, 2009

A quick look at traffic trends from publicly available data* suggests that Tim Burrowes (ex-Editor of B&T Magazine) and founder of has a digital strategy that is working. After only a few short months Mumbrella has passed the established ‘ad industry news publications’ in terms of overall digital traffic to its site according to Alexa. In addition Mumbrella’s 1600 followers on Twitter (here) appear to place it in a very interesting position for both sourcing and breaking news to an influential Twitter user base. Noticeably, the blog format which Mumbrella is using is paying off particularly in SEO with Mumbrella yielding solid results in Google from its stories and 83% of all traffic coming from Australia.

Above: Mumbrella matches B&T’s highs, but significantly beats B&Ts lows indicating a more healthy ‘always on’ digital presence. Source –

The AdNews website currently requires a subscription to read full stories and B&T publishes a daily pdf based newsletter – a format some struggle with compared to the global trend to more open story/blog formats which allow interesting debate and comment within articles.

All three break their news in a daily email digest (numbers of subscribers currently unknown for each).

AdNews is preparing to release a new site shortly and with the largest print circulation it has a solid platform to mount an attack on its competitors. We hear it will also integrate Twitter as part of the strategy. At this point we are unaware what B&T has planned for its digital presence ongoing.

* Source
