The case of the missing O – a Google online puzzle

August 23, 2011

I love puzzles, I have a drawer full of those metal nails that are stuck together and you have to find a way to take them apart, and I love online puzzle games.

So today I came across The Google Puzzle. Not sure how long it has been up, but I only saw it today.



So I pressed the Get it back button and wasted spend a good hour on solving the 5 puzzles to get it back.

It is a Chrome experiment, written in HTML and it has some really quirky stuff in it.




if you get stuck there is the friendly Hint button – thank god for that one.

so if you are into puzzles, make sure you give it a go


The case of the missing O – a Google online puzzle

August 23, 2011

I love puzzles, I have a drawer full of those metal nails that are stuck together and you have to find a way to take them apart, and I love online puzzle games.

So today I came across The Google Puzzle. Not sure how long it has been up, but I only saw it today.



So I pressed the Get it back button and wasted spend a good hour on solving the 5 puzzles to get it back.

It is a Chrome experiment, written in HTML and it has some really quirky stuff in it.




if you get stuck there is the friendly Hint button – thank god for that one.

so if you are into puzzles, make sure you give it a go


Real Life Outrun

August 4, 2011

We all remember the original 8bit Outrun Game from 1986. I remember playing it until my fingers were bleeding.


So what would it be like if you could have this in real life? That is what the people at the University of California Irvine ask themselves and they created a system that, with the help of cameras and some customized software, looks in front of the vehicle and reproduces a map of what lies ahead of you onto the screen in 8bit rendering just like Outrun.

All you have to do now is follow the route. Simply awesome.

check out the video


Best Star Wars Strategy Game ever

July 14, 2011

What do you get when you combine Star Wars and a 20 foot multitouch screen?

The most awesome and most fun real time interactive strategy game ever.


It was designed by computer science grad student Arthur Nishimoto and developed at the Electronic Visualization Laboratory at the University of Illinois in Chicago.

It allows players to control cruisers, destroyers, corvettes, fighters, bombers, and even a Death Star in attempt to destroy the other side. Sound effects from the movies immerse those behind the wheel of some of the most infamous vehicles in the classic sci-fi movie trilogies.

Check out the video below:

So now it just needs to be picked up by someone and made available commercially. I will already clear my living room wall for my 20 foot multitouch screen

I want I want I want


Angry Birds – for Chrome.

May 12, 2011

Don’t have a smartphone, iPad or Android tablet? But you do want to play this “Angry Birds” thing that people keep talking about?

Chrome to the rescue!

The folk over at Rovio have ported their smashingly popular game to the Chrome browser, and it’s 100% built in HTML5. Very, very neat.

Angry Birds for Chrome

If you haven’t given this simple physics based bird-hurler a whirl, why not see what all the fuss is about? Won’t cost you a dime, and is playable in both standard and high definition.

Either click the picture above, or this link, and you’ll go straight there. Enjoy!


PETA helps promote Super Meat Boy?

December 3, 2010

Team Meat, the team behind the brutally unforgiving platform game Super Meat Boy got some unexpected free publicity this week when they became the latest target of animal rights group PETA.

PETA, apparantly objecting to Super Meat Boy’s meat-themes launched it’s own ironically-bland parody game called Super Tofu Boy. Made in Flash, the game attempts to duplicate the gameplay of Super Meat Boy, but instead it’s the Meaty guy that’s the bad guy this time as he exacts bloody, vengeance because his girlfriend has decided that she prefers tofu. Or something.

More after the wall-jump. Read the rest of this entry »

Mini get-away: Virtual reality game from Stockholm

October 29, 2010

I love this game. The rules are simple but the game is not easy. You download the iphone app. Find the virtual mini and you ‘take’ it if you get within 50 metres of it. Then comes the tricky bit … you have to keep other players from taking the mini from you. Keep hold of it and you win a real life mini. Nice.

Watch this space for mash-ups from every agency going 🙂

From here



Super Mario Crossover – Your Friday Afternoon Fun

April 30, 2010

First off, you’re going to need to look at this picture, and think about how awesome it is. If only for having one of the best old school Nintendo super teams ever formed, lined up there at the bottom.

Super Mario Crossover

Now consider this, you’re about to play through some good ol’ Super Mario Bros – which of those characters would you choose to play through with? Honestly, I need look no further than Mega Man (or Rockman for you purists) – but you might have a different opinion.

The final step here, is to find Super Mario Crossover (which I have helpfully provided a link to) and then go fulfil your nerdy dreams.

The developer has done a really fantastic job here, with Mushrooms and Fireflowers providing perfectly adapted powers for each character. Can’t recommend this enough as a nostalgic, Friday afternoon time waster.


[Source: Buzzfeed]

Online retailers handing out StarCraft 2 beta keys

April 29, 2010

Hey StarCraft fans… 12 years. Yep. Been waiting TWELVE YEARS for StarCraft 2 and it’s nearly here. Blizzard kicked off the closed beta for this in February and since then, access keys have been highly sought after.

This week a bunch of online retailers made things a whole lot easier and started offering beta keys for preorders. Sure, you need to put deposit down on a game that still has no official release date, but you get instant access to the multiplayer beta.

Aussies can get it locally at EB Games or GAME , but you’re looking at paying crazy Australian prices. You can always order it from Amazon, but you’re looking at about 40 bucks postage.

I’m tempted, but do I really want a beta key enough to pay that much when I can get it from CDWow for $50 delivered? I’ll be honest, I’m still considering it.

A bit of afternoon fun with a guessing game

March 29, 2010

I have already spent too much time on this, but it just brings back too many awesome memories of my childhood wasted time in front of the computer screen.

Here are the rules:

Click on the link and start the game

browse around and name/guess all 56 games and you win

have a ball remembering all your childhood games


Best time waster in a long time

have fun


Take your score wherever you want

March 8, 2010

At the TechEd Middle East Microsoft showed off a game developed in Visual Studio. The interesting thing about this is that it plays on Windows with a keyboard, on the 360 with a controller and on your Windows phone 7 series using the accelerometer.

The real awesome thing about it is that you can start the game on your phone, then keep playing (from the same spot) on your PC at work (in your lunch break of course) and then finish it on your 360 at home.

check out the demo here

Awesome addictive game

September 2, 2009


The purpose of the game is to escape on rooftops – running along and jumping over crates, chairs and robots.

All you need is 2 keys on your keyboard and no you don’t need a mouse.


Good luck – my record so far is 2295 meters.

here is the game:

Best Game Controller ever

June 22, 2009

What ever happened to VR games? I liked the idea of being in the game and do what I had to do to get the job done.

Anyway – this guy below called his invention the PC VR Game Gun. Its a toy gun with an LCD screen attached to it, a Gyration Air Mouse mounted on top, which allows for some full, seemingly responsive motion-tracking in any PC game. He also ripped apart a gamepad and wired it up to the trigger in the gun.

There is also a wireless option of the gun as you can see in the 2nd video.

Check out the videos

Muscle March – Wii game from another dimension.

May 28, 2009

Remember those crazy Japanese TV game shows like Endurance? Well this new game on the Wii sets a new benchmark in the “What The…?” category. Whatever you do, don’t blink.

Get your head shot off and feel it

December 9, 2008

Have you ever wanted to be in the middle of your First person Shooter and feel the impact of the bullets?

Then this is for you:


The HTX Helmet is the next product in development for TN Games using its 3rd Space™ technology.

The HTX Helmet is worn in conjuction with the 3rd Space™ Gaming Vest and delivers blows to the head when you are fired upon.

Feel bullets whizzing by your helmet or the impact of getting shot in the head.

The helmet will communicates with compatible games to give precise, 3 dimensionally accurate impacts where it happens, as it happens.

Release date 2009 – no price yet, but I think I don’t need to know anyway.

Auditorium. Pretty. Addictive. Pretty addictive.

December 3, 2008


Tripped over this sweet Flash game this morning. The idea behind Auditorium is to move these things around that… actually, I’m going to let you figure that out yourself. The game encourages jumping in and playing around to see what’s going on.

In the creator’s words:

Auditorium is about the process of discovery and play. There are no right or wrong answers; there are many ways to solve every puzzle. To get started, fill up the first audio level. We hope you enjoy the demo of Auditorium.

Demo? I’ll pay for an iPhone version if there’s one going.

This really is a very cool game. Best played in fullscreen mode which is defaults to. Hit f to force it.

Top Gear Viral Game Robin Reliant Rocket Car

October 21, 2008

Cool new game on the Top Gear website: (here). Remember the episode where they launched the Robin Reliant (see below video) into space …kinda?


Best score in here around 350,000 metres… after about 5 mins
Post your scores in the comments 🙂

Tip: hold down your arrow keys to play.
Apparently you have to land it too… (not managed this yet).

Internet Challenge September 2008

September 4, 2008

First Person to solve this challenge and post the answer in the comments will enjoy the title of “Internet Challenge Winner Sept 2008” for the rest of the month, and their name inserted below in red!

Winner =  Joshua Oliver – well done Joshua (see comments).

This challenge has been won but why not test yourself and see if you can beet Joshua’s time of 4 mins. Want to try a tougher one? (


What’s the story behind this strange picture (can you spot what’s not quite right?) Who took the photo and where’s the source URL.
Time of posting 6.34 : Wed Sept 3rd 2008.

Rules for this challenge:
1. Winner to post answer in comments with your name.
2. Winner must post link to the original source of the photo.
3. Winner must explain the back story behind the image.
4. Winner should state how long it took them to find.
5. Miss out either 1,2,3,4 and you will be disqualified!

– Amusing comments and guesses are welcome.
– No prize – just the glory of having your name (in red) above!

Carling’s virtual pint game tickles iPhone crowd

July 17, 2008

Carling’s iPint application for the iPhone has rocketed straight to number one in the iTunes free games app chart since it launched late last week.

The application gives users the chance to complete a barslide game to win a virtual pint of Carling. The iPhone then transforms into a virtual glass and when users tap the screen a virtual pint of Carling is poured.



Pretty cool iPhone app from Carling – cheap night out too!

3D web game for Axe (Lynx) Dark Temptation campaign in Brazil

April 11, 2008

This is a great looking game. Somewhat reminicent of GTA-style gameplay (except you control a chocolate man rather than a hardened criminal, and you’re being chased by girls instead of thugs with uzis…) Unfortunately its potential is crippled by the immense file size (just shy of 10MB – all loaded upfront). Nevertheless, the graphics, animation and gameplay are all very well executed and the integration between Flash and Unity is seamless. It’s definitely worth checking out if you don’t mind waiting for a long time. Also requires the Unity Player plugin (get it here if you don’t have it already).

FYI – Being a Brazilian site, the game is in Portuguese. “Jogar Agora” means “Play Now”. The gameplay isn’t too hard to figure out, even if you can’t read the instructions.